Tyler Stradleigh, postdoc, represents the Nord Lab with a poster at the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting in Houston, TX.
Category: Talks and Presentations (Page 3 of 4)
Alex Nord will talk about the genetics of psychiatric disorders at the 11th Annual UC Davis Psychotic Disorders Conference. See meeting info here.
The annual Molecular and Cellular Biology T32 Retreat at Fallen Leaf Lake – not a bad place to talk science. Ayanna Wade, second year Ph.D. student in the UCD Neuroscience program gave a talk on her T32 training grant funded research and Linda Su-Feher (third year, BMCDB) presented a poster on her work. Only weak spot in lab representation was PI Alex Nord, who was disqualified during the datablitz competition.
Alex Nord and postdoc Andrea Gompers will be presenting posters at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego. What an amazing view (on science)! See more about the meeting here.
Alex Nord talked at the 4th Annual Molecular Psychiatry meeting, from October 6th – October 9th, and Ph.D. student Linda Su-Feher presented a poster, both on our work understanding the role of chromatin remodeling in autism. Snorkeling may have been involved. Meeting info: https://www.molecularpsychiatry.net/past-meetings/4th-annual-molecular-psychiatry-meeting/
Alex Nord will talk at the International Meeting for Autism Research in Baltimore, MD. Alex will talk about ongoing work in the lab characterizing a new mouse model of Chd8 haploinsufficiency.
Nord lab research presented at IMFAR featured in autism news blog. Read more: https://spectrumnews.org/news/mouse-with-key-autism-mutation-defies-expectations/
Ph.D. student Linda Su-Feher represents the Nord Lab at CSHL Biology of Genomes, presenting a poster on our work on chromatin remodeling, transcriptional remodeling, and brain development. Conference info: https://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings.aspx?meet=genome&year=16
Alex Nord will be at CSHL Systems Biology of Gene Expression presenting a poster on our work on using genomics to understand interneuron specification in brain development.
Meeting info: https://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings.aspx?meet=SYSTEMS&year=16
Alex Nord speaks at the UCSF Institute for Human Genetics seminar series.
More info: http://humangenetics.ucsf.edu/event/alex-nord-phd-%e2%80%a2-uc-davis-center-for-neurosciences/