University of California, Davis

Category: Research (Page 1 of 3)

Preprint of translational phenotypes in a SYNGAP1 model out on bioRxiv

A recent manuscript from the Nord lab and the Silverman lab at the MIND Institute is now out as a preprint on bioRxiv. This collaborative project describes phenotypes of a preclinical SYNGAP1 model including hyperactivity, deficits in learning and memory, and impairments of sleep. Other major findings include increased network firing activity, greater spikes per burst, and shorter inter-burst intervals between peaks using high density micro-electrode arrays in primary neurons.

Full preprint is available here:

Preprint of neurotransmitter polygenic risk for psychosis symptoms out on medRxiv!

Tracy Warren’s recent co-first author manuscript is now out as a preprint on medRxiv! This collaborative project between the Nord Lab, the Carter Lab at UC Davis Medical Center, and the Sham Lab at the University of Hong Kong, assessed how polygenic risk for schizophrenia that affects different neurotransmitter pathways is associated with different symptom profiles in humans with psychotic disorders. Major findings include that subjects with increased glutamatergic risk variants tended to have more severe cognitive control symptoms, subjects with increased dopaminergic risk were better candidates for antipsychotic medication, and unsupervised clustering on subject phenotypes identified groups that differed primarily by severity of positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive symptoms. These clusters showed different profiles of genetic risk and different responsiveness to antipsychotic medication.

Check out the preprint here!
Association of neurotransmitter pathway polygenic risk with specific symptom profiles in psychosis | medRxiv

Graduate student Linda Su-Feher abstract selected for talk at the Society for Neuroscience meeting

Graduate student Linda Su-Feher’s abstract was selected for a talk at the nanosymposium “Genomic Engineering Using Enhancers or CRISPR” at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meeting in Chicago. She will present our work on developing a functional enhancer assay to test DNA sequences for enhancer activity in vivo in mouse brain. Meet with Linda and other members of the Nord lab at SfN.

Chd8 Meta-Analysis Published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience

A new Nord lab paper was published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience on January 14th, 2019. Ayanna Wade (graduate student) is first author on the paper with Rinaldo Catta-Pretta (graduate student) and Justin Lim (technician) as co-authors. This work featuring comparative analysis of Chd8 RNA-seq and ChIP-seq datasets suggests conserved high confidence Chd8 genomic targets are related to transcriptomic pathology in Chd8 mutation and knockdown models. Find the paper here.

CSHL: Biology of Genomes 2018

Graduate student Ayanna Wade and Postdoc Jason Lambert represented the Nord lab by presenting posters at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s annual Biology of Genomes meeting held May 8th-12th in Cold Spring Harbor, NY.

Work on Chd8 Mouse Model Published in Nat Neuro

The Nord Lab’s work characterizing brain development in a mouse model of the autism risk gene Chd8 is published online in Nature Neuroscience on June 26th, 2017! Andrea Gompers (postdoc) and Linda Su-Feher (graduate student) are co-first authors from the lab. This work was a collaboration between the Nord Lab and the labs of Jacqueline Crawley and Jill Silverman (UC Davis MIND Institute), Jason Lerch (The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto), and Konstantinos Zarbalis (Shriners Hospitals for Children).

This manuscript was partially produced by copious amounts of coffee and group huddles in exasperated cafes.

Hiring for Postdocs October 2016

We are hiring for two postdocs starting October 24th for newly funded research on enhancer biology. Strong candidates will have experience with genomic and AAV technologies applied to in vitro and in vivo models. See position posting on the SfN jobs website or follow the link on the lab homepage.

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