University of California, Davis

Category: Team (Page 3 of 6)

Ayanna Wade Awarded Professors for the Future Fellowship

Congratulations to Ayanna Wade, a neuroscience graduate student in our lab, for being nominated and selected for the 2018-2019 Professors for the Future cohort! Fellows are selected based on academic performance, leadership potential, academic service, a desire to serve the needs of fellow students, and a commitment to the graduate and postdoctoral education process. Ayanna will begin her fellowship in Fall of 2018. Visit here for more information.

Postdoc Cesar Canales Joins Nord Lab

Postdoctoral researcher Cesar Canales joins the Nord Lab. Cesar has vast experience utilizing mouse models as a tool to understand human disease and training in analyzing brain phenotypes mostly gained from his PhD research in Williams Beuren Syndrome and his previous postdoctoral training in the Simo Lab at UC Davis, where he investigated the role of the CRL5 complex in hippocampal development and its implications in adult neurogenesis. In the Nord Lab, Cesar will be working on the characterization of the different genetic models of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders that are currently under investigation.

Diana Quintero Awarded UC Davis MARC/BSHARP Fellowship

Congratulations to Diana Quintero, an undergraduate in the Nord lab, for being accepted to UC Davis’s Biology Scholars Advanced Research Program (BSHARP)! BSHARP is a two-year research-intensive program designed to increase the number of talented underrepresented, disadvantaged and disabled students who become leaders in areas relevant to biomedical and behavioral research. The program provides students with intensive research experiences as well as with activities that enhance their critical thinking and communication skills and prepares them for entry into high quality PhD (and MD/PhD) programs. BSHARP is funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Maximizing Access to Research Career (MARC) Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research Award (U-STAR).

Justin Lim recently won a national championship in Ultimate Frisbee with the San Francisco men’s team, Revolver. The fast paced sport, which mixes elements from soccer and football took place in Sarasota, FL late this October. Teams from all over the country competed, and after a close 13-10 win over Raleigh in the semifinal, San Francisco handily won the final 15-7. You can view a video recap of the final here:

Postdoc Jason Lambert Joins Nord Lab

Jason Lambert joins us today as a postdoctoral scholar. He previously worked in Karen Zito’s lab at UC Davis. Jason will be investigating how genetic changes impact neurodevelopmental processes during primate and human evolution and in neurodevelopmental disorders.

Postdoc Jess Haigh Joins Nord Lab

Jess Haigh, from the University of Leeds in the UK, joins today as a postdoctoral scholar. She will be investigating enhancer mutations and how they contribute to brain development and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Rinaldo Selected as Data Science Initiative Affiliate

IGG graduate student Rinaldo Catta-Preta was accepted as an affiliate of the UC Davis Data Science Initiative (DSI). He will support the DSI’s mission to help foster, catalyze, coordinate and promote research and education related to Data Science and Big Data on campus. Furthermore, he will leverage this connection with experts and researchers from a broad range of fields working with data science for the benefit of the laboratory research.

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