Congrats to Linda Su-Feher, Nord Lab second year Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular, and Develompental Biology (BMCDB) Ph.D. student for earning a spot on the NIH T32 Biotechnology Training Grant! Linda’s project involves applying single cell transcriptomics to understand gene regulation.
Category: Team (Page 5 of 6)

Ayanna Wade Joins the Nord Lab!
The Nord Lab welcomes new Neuroscience Ph.D. student Ayanna Wade! Ayanna is interested in the role gene regulation plays in learning and memory.
The Nord Lab welcomes new Integrative Genetics and Genomics Ph.D. student Rinaldo Catta-Preta! Rinaldo comes to us from Brazil with a fellowship from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico and will work on computational genomics and brain development.
The lab welcomes new postdoc Tyler Stradleigh. Tyler did his Ph.D. with Andy Ishida at UC Davis and will be working on image-based analysis of enhancer function.
Congrats to Nord Lab undergraduate Anh Nguyen on being awarded the UC Davis Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship! Anh is working on applying dCas9 to mediate in vitro gene expression in an epilepsy model.
We hit our first anniversary this month. Highlights include putting together a great research team, finally moving in to our (almost complete) renovated lab space at the Center for Neuroscience this summer, and receiving initial awards and funding for students (Linda Su-Feher, selected for a fellowship) and projects in the lab, and three review articles. One year in, there is finally a working phone in Alex’s office.
Andrea was an undergraduate at UC Davis before her Masters in Los Angeles and Ph.D. at Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She will be working on projects involving mouse models of autism and epilepsy. Her Ph.D. was with Suzanne Zukin working on models of gene regulation in Fragile X.
Leslie Matheu, Anh Nguyen, and Yeni Belachew all worked in the lab this summer though research experience programs for UC Davis undergrads ( and We thank them for their contributions to our research and look forward to having them continue with the lab long-term.
After lurking in the Genome Center for the first nine months (thanks, Dave Segal and everyone in the Segal Lab!) we have moved in to our space at the Center for Neuroscience. First PCRs completed and we’re off and running.
Comings and goings: farewell to Jasmine Garcha (off to Medical School) and Chris Cowing-Zitron (off on adventures). Welcome to our new undergraduate volunteers Yeni Belachew, Anh Nguyen, and Leslie Matheu Ramos.